Lawn Renovation Services
Call Us: 508-905-LAWN
We know what it takes to grow a healthy, sustainable lawn. It’s more than just throwing down grass seed and crossing your fingers. We think of all the little details so you do not have to, from grass type, to grading plans. Thinking about a lawn renovation? With years of turf management experience, let us show you what we are all about. Lawn is our middle name.
Lawn Renovation: What’s the First Step?
A proper lawn starts with a detailed soil analysis to determine the best course of action. Depending on the soil type, nutrient levels, and pH balance we will determine if we need to:
- Cultivate the old soil while adding micro nutrients and stimulants
- Top dress the existing lawn with a thin layer of nutrient rich organic compost
- Excavate old soil and bring in fresh screened quality topsoil
In combination with the soil analysis we will look at site specific details and determine if any grading needs to be done to solve existing drainage issues or just to create an overall more usable yard. A 2% slope is reccomended to effectively divert water, while remeining flat to the naked eye.
Lawn Renovation Services Provided by Harris Lawn & Landscape
- Detailed soil analysis
- Excavation & grading
- Topsoil & compost
- Hydroseeding
- Sod Installation
- Aeration & overseeding
- Compost top dressing
- Irrigation service
Get your free estimate for a beautiful lawn today.
When is the best time to re-seed a lawn?
Fall is the best time to grow cool season grasses in Massachusetts such as rye, kentucky bluegrass, and fescues and here is why:
- The combination of warm soil, moderate day temperatures, and cool evenings encourage fall germination.
- Summer time temperatures can stress a new lawn, inhibiting growth
- On average, we receive more rainfall in the fall, keeping the soil moist, producing an optimum growing environment while reducing the extra watering on your part
- Summer weeds such as crabgrass will easily crowd out new lawns that have been planted in the spring or summer. There is less competition of weeds in the fall, giving grass a better chance
What grass type should i use?
When selecting a grass type for your lawn, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each particular species. Grasses vary in tolerence of soil moisture, pH, fertility, and temperatures. Grasses also vary in their resistance to the stresses of foot traffic, mowing, insects, and disease.
In Massachusetts, there are many types of grasses that can be used alone or in mixtures to produce a dense lawn. The principal species of cool season grasses for lawns are: Kentucky bluegrass; perennial ryegrass; tall fescue; and fine fescues (creeping red, chewings, and hard). There are many cultivars of the above species. It is highly recommended to grow blended lawns, with a variety of species and cultivars to produce a overall more resistent lawn to certain stress and diseases.
Kentucky Bluegrass
This has a fine to medium leaf texture and a dark green color. Tolerance is high for cold and wear, and moderate for heat and drought. The grass becomes semi-dormant during extended hot and dry conditions. It will recover quickly in cooler temperatures and moisture provided the drought was not severe. Kentucky bluegrass is best grown in well drained, sunny areas. Kentucky bluegrass is particularly susceptible to such diseases as leaf spot, dollar spot, stripe smut, necrotic ring spot, and summer patch. Some newer cultivars do show some disease resistance.
Perennial Ryegrass
This has a fine to medium leaf texture and tends to be dark green. It germinates rapidly and is quick to establish, making it suitable for overseeding. It is wear and heat tolerant, but will not withstand shade and drought well. In addition, it is susceptible to ice cover injury. Perennial ryegrass does best on well drained soils with moderate fertility. Perennial ryegrass is most susceptible to diseases such as brown patch, pythium blight, dollar spot, red thread, and rust. Several cultivars of perennial ryegrass contain beneficial fungal endophytes.
Tall Fescues
A finer textured and darker green. It is slow to establish and has only a fair recovery potential but is heat and drought tolerant. Tall fescue performs best in well drained soils in open, sunny areas but can withstand moderate shade. Overall, it is more shade tolerant than Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass but is less so than the fine fescues.
Fine Fescues
Narrow-leafed, medium to dark green grasses can be used both alone and in combination with other grasses. Each species varies somewhat in terms of growth characteristics but all are ideal for low maintenance situations. They are very tolerant of low pH and fertility, and of drought and shade. However, fine fescues do not perform well under hot, humid conditions and with high levels of fertility. Fine fescues become semi-dormant in heat and drought but recover quickly. Fine fescues are susceptible to leaf spot, red thread, and dollar spot.
Credit: UMASS Extension; Center for Agriculture
How should i care for my new lawn?
Good question! Now that the hard work is over and seeds are sewn or sod is layed, it is time to maintain your investment. Detailed watering instructions and other tips can be found at
Lawn Renovation

PROBLEM: Corners were cut on this new construction home when it came to the landscaping. Un-screened loam was spread in place of topsoil. This layer of infertile soil contained rocks up to 6″ in size, and nothing but weeds could grow.
SOLUTION: First, we killed off existing vegetation. Next, we cultivated soil while screening for larger rocks. This introduced organic matter and key nutrients into the soil. Finallym we seeded using quality products.

Sod Installation
PROBLEM: Neglected lawn was taken over by weeds, and low branches produced too much shade for a healthy lawn. Soil sample determined the infertile soil could not be ammended and had to be excavated and replaced.

SOLUTION: First, we excavated down and removed 3″ of old soil. After that, we brought in and spread fresh topsoil 3″ thick. Then, we preformed a final grade for a flatter lawn. Next, we pruned surrounding trees to produce more sunlight. Finally, we installed 1500SqFt of TTTF sod.
Backyard Transformation

PROBLEM: Customers backyard was left in despair after a tree company came and removed many large pine trees. It was time to finally take their yard back and we came through!
SOLUTION: First, the grade was changed to divert water away from the house. Next, 232 Feet of Illusions-Hunter Green fence was installed. Lastly, we spread over 100 yards of fresh topsoil and sprayed over 12,000 SqFt of hydroseed.

Other Install Services
Installation Overview
Patios & Walkways
Retaining Walls
Drainage Solutions
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